Create an Asset

To create a new asset, follow the steps below. Have more than a few to add, check out our Bulk Upload option. Step 1. In the upper right-hand corner, select the blue plus sign (+) to bring up the Create tab. Step 2. Choose the Create Asset screen and enter the required information: Asset Name Asset Location (either

Add and Configure New Visibility Parameter and Trigger

By default, visibility is not added to the Continental Daily Planner or Weather Check as a parameter. If you would like to add it, go to Daily Planner Settings and select your asset from the list. From the Parameters tab, toggle Visibility to the On position. This adds Visibility values to your Daily Planner as

User Management

Follow these steps to update user information quickly. Step 1 Select User Management from the Management menu. Step 2 To make changes to a user’s information, select the user or search for the user’s name to filter the user list. Step 3 Edit the fields you wish to update. When all required fields have been completed,

Configure Risk & Response Reports

Risk and Response reports provide detailed site-specific information about tropical weather threats to allow our customers to prepare well ahead of time for impending weather conditions properly. These reports provide an accurate direct assessment of forecast tropical cyclone impacts to our customers’ assets along with the ability to set custom phases and triggers. Risk and

Configuring Distribution

Assign and remove contacts to your company’s products with Company Matrix. Step 1 Select Company Matrix from the Management menu. Step 2 Select the Distribution Lists tab to assign contacts to products. All company contacts will be listed in the blue panel on the left, and all company assets with active products are headers. Slide a