We’ve made it easy for you to add multiple contacts via our Bulk Upload Option. You will need to download and enter your contacts using this Contact Bulk Upload template.

Step 1

In the bulkuploadcontacts.csv, you will need to enter the required information:

  • Display_name (Name)
  • email
  • user_role (The User Roles available are basic_user, user_group, or company_admin)
  • username

Optional Information can also be entered:

  • phone_number
  • sms_number (Use if this user needs to be alerted via SMS)
  • user_redirect

Note: make sure to only add NEW contacts, as bulk uploading existing contacts will result in duplicate contacts.

Once all information has been entered, save the .csv file to upload in Commander.

Step 2

In the upper right-hand corner of Commander, select the blue plus sign (+) to bring up the create tab and select Bulk Upload Contacts.

Step 3

Click on the box to upload files, and navigate to where you saved the bulkuploadcontacts.csv.

Step 4

A preview screen will populate with your contact information. This will give you an opportunity to review and edit the information before submitting it.

After uploading, remember to configure your distribution lists within the Company Matrix. For more information on configuring distribution lists  – See Academy article – Manage Company Matrix

user_redirect Options

Category: Create