The WeatherOps Scheduler is a management tool for enabling products and services during a specified time frame to a selected contact list.
The Scheduler lists all active and upcoming events for quick reference on the Events page. Events will be listed as either “Active” or denoted under the month name, in chronological order. If you need to filter events, search by the event name.
To access, log into WeatherOps Commander. From the Dashboard, select the WeatherOps Scheduler link on the side panel on the left.
How to Edit an Existing Event
Only Company Administrators have editing rights for events. Select the event name to change the start/end dates, location, points of contact, and current products for the event.
Click on Event Info to edit the name, location, dates, or points of contact for the specific event. When changes are made to this page, please remember to choose “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page to correctly update the event.
Select the Products tab to enable or disable products for all users. If you need to assign company users to products and services, then select the Distribution tab.
Access Event Details
All users may access an Event to view the archive of daily planners, weather checks, and asset-based alerts. Additionally, the Interactive Map can be launched to see radar and other weather variables.
Have an event that starts today? No problem. With Event Scheduler, add an event at any time, for immediate* use, a future date, or for any location.
*When adding an event in the late afternoon or early evening, forecast products, such as a Daily Planner and Weather Checks, are automatically set to send at the next scheduled default distribution time (6 AM local). Specific cases such as these will need additional assistance from the WDT Support Staff who can ensure our forecasters send an updated planner before the next day’s 6 AM delivery.