Combine and manage your numerous daily reports into a single, consolidated email using Combined Reporting. Assumption: you have already created an Asset Group. Start Here Step 1 Select Asset Group Management from the Management menu. You can now view and make changes to specific Asset Groups. Combined Report Settings Step 2 Select the Asset Group
Contact a Forecaster
Our meteorologists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for MetWatch clients. When services were established, you were provided the direct number to our forecasters. But, in case you can’t locate that quickly, the signature at the bottom of your morning forecast email contains the direct number to our forecast desk. Still cannot find the information? Contact our 24/7 Support Staff at 1-866-429-5578. If you’re not a
Manage Assets
Update settings to assets quickly through Asset Management. Step 1 Select Asset Management from the Management menu to bring up all stored locations. Step 2: Search Search for the asset name to filter the asset list or scroll through all stored locations. Then, click on the asset name to select the asset and make updates.
Manage Asset Groups
Asset Groups can be managed in one place, follow these steps: Step 1 Select Asset Group Management from the Management menu to bring up all stored Asset Groups Step 2 Select or search for an asset group from the asset group list Once an asset group is selected, you can: Change the asset group name
Manage with Company Matrix
View and make changes to your company’s product assignments and distribution lists with Company Matrix. Follow these steps: Start Here Select Company Matrix from the Management menu. You can now view and make changes. Product Assignments Under the Product Assignment tab, note all stored assets. All active products are listed and may include: Asset Based Alerts Daily
User Management
Follow these steps to update user information quickly. Step 1 Select User Management from the Management menu. Step 2 To make changes to a user’s information, select the user or search for the user’s name to filter the user list. Step 3 Edit the fields you wish to update. When all required fields have been completed,
Manage with Company Matrix
View and make changes to your company’s product assignments and distribution lists with Company Matrix. Follow these steps: Start Here Select Company Matrix from the Management menu. You can now view and make changes. Product Assignments Under the Product Assignment tab, note all stored assets. All active products are listed and may include: Asset-Based Alerts Daily